Register to Vote Here and don't say anything, right
Why Vote For Me ??
- Because I love this country, in spite of all its past and present imperfections
and indescretions - Because I have a really good idea of just what and when thing went off the road
so to speak. There is much that needs correcting and many who are in power now who need to be
sent to not just prison, but a dungeon, for what they've knowingly, intentionally done to
desecrate the principles this union, this once sane society was built upon.
- Because the americn people deserve to hear the truth about what the Federal Government,
all three despicable branches of the present, prevaricating and equivocating braches
that have turned this once shinning example to the rest of the world into an unbelievable
aggregate of pure, horrifying corruption in the insane and spiritually depraved QUEST for MORE
and MORE Power and WEALTH.
says Vote for Him! He's the One !!
As 14% of us know, all federal, most state elections ARE NOW RIGGED. This is a big difference
from 1775 to 2016( even 2008, Osama Obama ), yet there still is hope. Without a federal elections
committee or set of laws, we have to * reserved for those in the know * in order to regain
our country. 84 million are waiting to go to DC after the SHAM of 2024 occurs. What fun awaits
Campaign Slogan: The republican party needs an enema. The democratic party ( the media party ) needs that plus and EXORCISM.
Their marriage to ' the degenerat MEDIA ' needs proper attention and correction. Vote for ME !
My platform:
Common Sense : mass deportation and the release of Radio back to its original management/direction
That sounds good, say, what station is that !!
Get it out of the ditch, the cesspool the MEDIA has led us into. Elect _________________ ( guess )
Here's how to make a scene:
- First thing
- Second thing
- Your thumb print
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